Ghengis Khan Chopped and Screwed Romans 13+1 Peter 2 13-17 Letter Demanding Submission from Putin
Written before Russia went into Ukraine to wag the dog
Alright everybody! I learned how to write in those pictures for sub stack!
Even better, I’m still in the spirit of making up new Christian holidays for other cultures to celebrate in competition to their pagan traditions, it’s three days and three nights after the day before the first day of Passover so, (if I have the timing correct)…. It’s Jewish Easter!!!!
Happy Jewish Easter Everybody!!!!!!
For this Jewish Easter Day, I would like to resurrect this old Christmas letter I wrote to Vladamir Putin right before he started his Ukraine War.
Didn't think I would say Merry Christmas???
Holidays are pretty hectic for me, so I didn't want to bring any positive feelings down, but.....Christmas is for forty days!!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! Here's a little present for y'all:
An open letter to Vladamir Putin:
You who say you are Christian but are not, the Russian Peoples have been washed clean from their communist sins, yet you have gone back to the vomit of your KGB past in order to make communism look good again!!!
((((((((("Russia’s completely cucked regional parliaments—infested with United Russia apparatchiks—have skipped the foreplay (“thoughtful discussion and debate”) and are now feverishly rubber-stamping the national QR code legislation.
It’s a bold play from The Uni-Party. An internet poll with 1.4 million respondents suggests that around 92% of Russians believe QR codes are “a violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the rights of citizens.” Meanwhile, a survey conducted by RBC found that less than 20% of the country supported the introduction of digital “health” tags. State media claims almost 30% of Russians are in favor of the Ausweis. But when you correct for Kremlin Baloney, this means support for the vax pass is probably hovering around 5%.
What we’re trying to say here is United Russia and its Axis of Boot-Lickers are basically voting against the wishes of the entire country.
By doing so, a large number of completely apolitical Russians are now extremely angry. Even groups on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum are uniting against United Russia. It’s so beautiful to see—United Russia finally living up to its name!
Angry Communists
Credit where credit is due: at the legislative level, Russia’s Communist Party (KPRF) is leading the charge against these insane and depraved digital cattle tags.
Even your humble Moscow correspondent—whose political views can best be described as “Johann Sebastian Bach and Czech Beer”—is starting to feel a bit Red.
Saratov deputy Nikolai Bondarenko came to his region’s parliament dressed as a QR-coded concentration camp prisoner, and then began to unleash Communist rage upon his completely useless “colleagues.” We like Bondarenko:
Before the meeting, Bondarenko approached the chairman of the regional Duma Alexander Romanov [a United Russia member—boo!] and asked what to do with the signatures of people against the law on QR codes, but Romanov asked him to sit down.
“This is segregation. Everyone is equal. And you divide the people in this way. Some have all the rights, since they have codes, others are deprived and cannot enter public places, because they are not vaccinated and they do not have codes,” Bondarenko said at a December 2 meeting of the Duma.
A crowd gathered at the building of the Regional Duma. The authorities blocked the passage with fences.
The Christians are livid. In an open letter addressed to Putin, the influential traditionalist group Forty Times Forty demanded the current government resign:
[I]mplementation of QR-codes is preposterous and absurd. The actions of the government are not about preventing the spread of infection—they have an illegal goal—to force vaccinations on the people in a country where v*********ns are, by law, voluntary.
We, the undersigned, who are Russian traditionalists, are speaking out in defense of the future of our fatherland, our families, and our children. We demand an end to these anti-constitutional and anti-civil rights policies of the current government of Russia, and demand that it be dismissed, together with the Prime Minister.
Recently a conference of Orthodox laypeople was held in St. Petersburg, where it was decided that the “epidemic of fear, lies and betrayal” in Russia must be resisted at all costs. They even threatened a schism if Church higher-ups continue to be completely lame (and in truth, they have been really, horribly lame).
Angry Everybody
Really we could just keep typing and typing. Russians are not okay with getting QR-tagged! This is very obvious to anyone paying attention.
Last week, anti-cattle tag activists attempted to storm the legislative assembly in Chelyabinsk. The crowd was restrained by security guards—and then the police arrived. We are deciding the future of Russia, no plebes allowed! "
.com/russians-are-not-okay-with-getting-qr-tagged/ ))))))))))?
After you have been washed clean, you returned to the wallow of slop and sh*t!!! You knew the injection was MASS MURDER and you allowed it!!!!
((((((((((("for the first time in Russia, the national standard “Urgent burial of corpses in peacetime and wartime” is being introduced. It describes that the authorities must be prepared to bury thousands of people in mass graves. The standards for graves, labor costs, the amount of equipment and the way of storing corpses have been established.
As “NI” found out, on September 13, 2021, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology issues an order, which approves the rules for the urgent burial of corpses in peacetime and wartime. As expected, this strictly technical document outlines all the disposal work point by point. ........
The new national standard deals with the loss of many thousands of civilians – not about dozens, not hundreds, but about THOUSANDS. And it is written in Appendix A to the standard: here is an example of how much manpower and resources will be required to bury “1000 dead within 3 days”......
Officials have established the size of the mass graves. If, dear fellow citizens, we all lie down for no reason, they will bury us in mass graves 20 meters long, 3 meters wide and 2.3 meters high. They will be dug by bulldozers with an average productivity of 80 cubic meters per hour. The bottom of the grave will be covered with a mineral binder modifier and then compacted with a roller.
Then they will lay us in four layers, either in bags, or in wooden coffins or zinc coffins, prepared in advance in the amount of 300 pieces per 1000 population, and cover us with earth. Then they will again tamp them down, fill them with “mineral binder” and install “devices for the absorption and neutralization of radioactive, hazardous chemicals and biological agents formed during the decomposition of corpses.”
Here’s a plan.
Defenders of such state actions say that the appearance of this strange and even frightening document is connected, first of all, with the covid.
“The law was being prepared for six months so that you know. We have not yet had forecasts of how the Russian people will die, whether they will be a thousand a day, or 20 thousand a day. All this requires the state to respond appropriately, so that they do not whine, whine and say: here, Mishustin, how many are dying, and people are lying on the roads. The state decided to play ahead of the curve and insure itself in case things go down a critical path,” says Viktor Baranets, a military expert and Vladimir Putin’s electoral confidant .
If we consider that the document was adopted at the end of September, but its authors, after a year of the pandemic, it was clear that although 1000 people die from the coronavirus a day, mass graves are not needed for their burial. What new epidemic the Russian authorities are preparing for remains a big mystery. It is also unclear with which of the scientists the authors consulted, and who told them that humanity is about to face such a disease that it is necessary to procure bulldozers for digging graves for mass graves. On condition of anonymity, Novye Izvestia spoke with several generals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Even for them, this document came as a surprise, to put it mildly. One of them could not contain his emotions: “They are there oh … and!”
Military expert Alexander Golts is sure that when regulatory documents are needed that determine how much labor is needed to collect corpses, their burial and other elaborated details, this means one thing: such losses can only occur when weapons of mass destruction are used."
Your actions have not gone unnoticed you Thieving Murderer!! Stealing from your countrymen with one hand, and stabbing them in the back with the other!!!!!!
((((((((((("Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin reportedly issued a “secret order” in December 2020 which designated a subsidiary of Herman Gref’s Sberbank as the sole supplier of Sputnik V to Russia’s regions.
Mishustin appears to be an unapologetic supporter of the World Economic Forum’s vision for the world. In October, he gave the greenlight to create a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Moscow.
Actually, Russia’s prime minister believes that the mass adoption of AI, robotics and transhumanist technologies will occur rapidly, and is already talking about the dawn of the fifth industrial revolution.
In July 2020 Mishustin participated in the World Economic Forum’s Cyber Polygon event (co-hosted by Sberbank), which explored issues related to the digitalization of the world economy.
Harmless economy-related brainstorming? Maybe. As you might recall, Schwab has repeatedly warned that COVID-19 will be followed by a “cyber pandemic” that will make the current pandemic look as harmless as a large number of positive PCR tests… wait…
Vladimir Putin, President, Russian Federation
Vladimir Putin and Klaus Schwab go way back.
In January of this year, Putin gave a keynote (virtual) address before the World Economic Forum. The theme of the January 2021 forum: “The Great Reset.”
Beginning his speech with a warm “dear Klaus,” Putin recalled how he first met Mr. Schwab in 1992 and since then had regularly attended events organized by the Fourth Industrial Revolution visionary.
Putin used his address to urge for “expanding the scale of [COVID] testing and v*********ns” across the globe—policies that have ushered in worldwide medical apartheid.
Echoing the sentiments of western leaders, Putin also argued that the global economy would need to be rebuilt from the ground up by central banks......
The Russian president has repeatedly stated v*********n should be voluntary—but his personal opinion has had no impact on actual policy. All 85 regions of Russia now have decrees requiring certain segments of the population to get the shot.
On December 17, Putin voiced support for a nationwide QR code law—one of the most unpopular pieces of legislation in recent Russian history. The introduction of digital health IDs would in essence make v*********n compulsory for those who want to partake in life’s most ordinary activities.
In late November, after the health ministry approved “Sputnik-M”—Russia’s COVID shot for ages 12-17—Putin suggested authorities begin “thinking about” v*******ing children starting from the age of two. How many two-year-olds have died from COVID in Russia? (Trick question: the Russian government doesn’t disclose COVID-linked deaths by age group. In fact, the Russian government refuses to publish lots of highly important COVID-related data, including statistics on post-v*********n side effects. Why?) "
"Russia is being drained of gold to such an unprecedented extent that lawmakers are demanding answers. Russia’s central bank stopped buying gold in April 2020, and gave the greenlight to private banks allowing them to export their gold abroad......
This has been going on for nearly two years, since the start of the coronavirus crisis. In April, Economist Valentin Katasonov gave two big thumbs down to the policy, describing the Bank of Russia’s refusal to buy bullion as “golden giveaways.”
According to, in October 2020, Russia’s central bank began selling its gold reserves for the first time in thirteen years.......
The international banking cartel isn’t robbing the country of its gold before Hermann Gräf and the Bank of Russia force the digital ruble and the “Sbercoin” on hapless Russians, right? Maybe.......
in March 2020, more than a ton of non-government gold was flown out of Russia—and apparently in such a panicked state that they left some gold bars on the runway. We’re not even joking
The potential for foul play became a bit more likely in June, when Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law easing foreign exchange controls for gold exporters. The loosened regulations mean that sales of precious metals are now exempted from the requirement to credit the proceeds to Russian accounts. The cash can now be kept in Western banks.
As we understand it, this means gold could be mined in Russia and sold in London—with the earnings kept in euros in a Swiss bank account"
.com/why-is-russia-sending-planes-full-of-gold-to-london/ ))))))))))))
I say this to you, dog. God's People surround you. Both the Father and His begotten abhor the abomination you support with words and deeds.
For the sake of God, submit to us, whether it be to our King as Supreme, or to His Friends, sent for the punishment of evildoers and the approval of those who do good.
Do you wish to have no fear of our authority? Then do what is good and receive approval from us. For we are Friends of God, for your good.
But if you continue in your evil ways, be afraid, for we do not bear the sword without purpose.
We are Friends of God to inflict wrath on the evildoer ( as free children, and not as persons who make their liberty a cloak for evil, but as Friends of God) for it is God’s will that we silence the ignorance of foolish people by doing good.
Fear God and honor our King; be subject to us not only because of your conscience but also because of the wrath of God. Those who resist us resist God's Appointed and those who oppose our Divinely Established Authority will bring a swift judgement upon themselves.
Yet, the Lord is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance.
Repent in your speech and actions before it is too late! For when the Day of the Lord comes upon you, it will be as if you had entered your house, put your hand on the wall, and a serpent gives you a deadly bite or as if you are fleeing a lion only to encounter a bear, and your soul will be taken quickly into darkness like a thief steals at night. If you wait for God to judge you, I dare say some of your sins cannot be forgiven in this age or the next.
Every mandate, every additional booster shot converts more of your followers into our ranks, and they are positioned perfectly to checkmate you, Czar of Darkness.
Tell the Truth about who the real power is in your country, get on your knees and beg Our King to spare your life, to allow you to become a cabbage farmer in Siberia, lest His People satisfy their hunger and thirst for righteousness with your flesh and blood.
If your heart is so hardened as a two faced, snake tounged deceiver and murderer of Children, the punishment allotted to you is to be thrown into the depths of the ocean with a heavy stone as an anchor! Would you beg the Almighty for forgiveness as you stare into the abyss, unable to breath as the mounting pressure quickly crushes your bones? Or will your heart feel sad to hear your lips speak lies, while a Slave gives you the real poison sword injection; the tiny, impotent phallus you have allowed and encouraged the people who trust you for protection to destroy themselves with.....
This glowing sword has flashed throughout the world to show God's People that the Almighty Power rests behind the side that We fight for, not your side!!!!
It matters not to me if you read these words, for the People of God will read them and those are whom this is written for. I write from this perspective as a warning to you, might you read this letter.
"we are from God and he who knows God listens to us and he who is not from God does not listen to us; by this we perceive The Spirit of Truth and the spirit of deceit."
The Beloved Apostle John, 1 John 4 6
(((((((PS To the Russian Peoples
All the Western soldiers that are saber rattling around the Ukraine are lethally injected and will die in a small matter of time. The sane people quit or were fired by the v****ne mandate and are disgusted with both B*den and Tr*mp's deceit and manipulation. Have no fear of us true Americans. You take "care" of your false leaders, we will take "care" of ours and hopefully we can work out an alliance between our peoples and not the people who claim to be our leaders.
PPS to Emperor Xi. Before I write your letter, I am going to try and find a copy of the Tao which is translated by a native Chinese speaker into English rather than use the mediocre community college required reading book I have on hand. Don't worry, I will be more reserved with you, because although the transgressions of your country are greater, you and those around you have not been nourished with the milk of how to Live within the Way of the Truth and do not have fake Christian leaders like Putin.
For it would have been better for him not to have known the way of righteousness than after learning it, he would turn away from the holy decree that was delivered to him.
To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is unforgivable, even if one were to cut off both hands, beg to be fed like a dog in Moscow, and say thanks for every stone thrown at him as if it were a blessing ))))))))
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Do you think that was enough to make (Ras)putin want to start a war as a distraction? I know I would want to if I were him. He has to keep up appearances to the common folks in Russia and America or else the people who control him can’t run their Hegelian dialectics divide and conquer game.
Well, enough about politicians that supported forcing everyone to get injected with nanorobots on the pain of death by starvation. They’re the reason we are all in this mess. I’d rather talk about people that are actually trying to take out the trash. Even expensive garbage, like hospitals with their mafia-esque monopoly on modern medicine, should be thrown out. This is because systems that are thoroughly broken, like the medical industrial complex, have to be destroyed or else they will keep breaking things that shouldn’t be broken. So, if the people that work at, let’s say a hospital in Austin, Texas, are perpetuating a corrupt, money hungry, broken medical system that systematically murders people with poisonous injections (all the while making bald faced lies claiming that they save lives with poison), and if someone decides to kamikaze the emergency room of that hospital with their car, I am going to call it an act of revolution. Especially since I called for the medical industrial complex to be destroyed and pointed to Austin, Texas as the headquarters of the monarchical disinformation propaganda for the Anglo-phonetic world in the western hemisphere shortly before the attack.
I got 5000 ‘friends’ on Facebook, and posted the video link above with the above time stamp about a month before Michelle Holloway, may God bestow peace upon her soul, drove kamikaze into the lobby of an Austin, Texas hospital’s emergency room.
It looks like ‘shouting from the rooftops’ (Matthew 10 27) does have an effect after all. Thank you, God! I know some of my listeners take action, and there is just enough room for me to have plausible deniability. Perfect! May the glory go to God!
Yes friends, the revolution will not be televised and it has already begun. The plan to wait for ‘white hats’ in the government to save the nation was simply a trick to pacify the American warriors and convince them to stand on the sidelines to do nothing and be good for nothing. All battles are first won or lost in the mind. Wait for Trump to help you, and he’ll waste all his time on phony admiralty court cases to suck up patriot energy rooting for him to win. Then, while America’s distracted, the endless inflation of the money supply will drive the cost of living up like a rocket so Americans wind up in poverty, unable to put up any fighting resistance to save their lands from the predations of the cryptocracy. Why put trust in a ‘prince’ like Trump to help ‘save America’? He is merely a mortal and powerless to save anyone (Psalm 146 3). In fact, I would go as far to say that waiting for Trump to help save ‘us’ borders on sinning by omission. This game is not a spectator sport. Help yourself, and God will help you. Act, and God will act. Wait for Trump’s ‘help’ and you go to hell.
The grace period is over. We are playing for hearts, minds, and souls, and we play for keeps.
If you have not me, you have not the Father. (quoting Jesus Christ)
Both JEWS and MUSLIMS are God'-less
You haven't a clue..